Integrated Community HIV Services Across the Clinical Cascade
This initiative takes a comprehensive approach to providing clinical services in the community across the cascade – from testing to treatment.
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This initiative takes a comprehensive approach to providing clinical services in the community across the cascade – from testing to treatment.
Description/Activities: Ethiopia took a systematic and deliberate approach to six-month MMS. With support from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ICAP worked
Training for primary counselors on interpersonal communication, counseling, gender norms, and stigma; intensive monitoring of index testing results in weekly dashboard and mentoring visits to high volume sites; Holiday logbook to pre-book contacts who live in other countries but visit during holidays; offering index testing to virally unsuppressed ART clients; strengthened IPV screening (3% documented risk); harmonized index testing register for facility and community index; active collaboration with community index testing IPs for tracking elicited contacts outside facilities; weekly line listing and analysis of HTS_POS who have not been initiated
A cluster-randomized controlled trial which found that offering facility-based HIVST in outpatient departments at high-volume health facilities increased the proportion of outpatients tested for HIV compared with standard and optimized PITC.
To develop and implement a targeted SBC campaign to increase uptake of HIV testing, care and treatment services among high-risk populations, with a focus on men.
To get clients into care, you need to get care to clients. Even if that means crossing rivers and dodging rhinos. Outsourcing medicine distribution to the private sector eliminates the need for clients and health workers to take lengthy journeys to collect health products. Read More
Dablap is well-known local slang for a shortcut. Dablapmeds makes it easy for stable HIV clients to dramatically cut the time it takes to get their medications. Read More
Male-only spaces/corners, specific male-only hours, male providers; male friendly clinics leverage existing infrastructure to provide a separate space, or in some cases dedicated times, to allow only men to access primary health care services
USAID DISCOVER-Health addressed some of the health system barriers the men face to make HIV services more accessible, and increased the availability of credible HIV/health information.