The MenStar
Core Package

Improving the personal healthcare experience means improving individual’s personal health— in turn this means improved public health.

Part of MenStar’s inspiration comes from consumer experiences beyond the healthcare setting— for example the interior of popular fast food chain Nando’s. Photo John Brighenti via Creative Commons license.

MenStar is about operationalizing a client-centered approach and reaching men where they are—literally and metaphorically.

The core MenStar packages are designed to sustain and grow current clients by delivering services in a way that meets emotional AND healthcare system needs. And to bring in new/past clients with persuasive communications that align to service offering

Public health is as much about medicine as it is about building awareness in culturally relevant ways.

Cascade of care: Unlinked, Lost to Followup

Demand Generation

Drive demand for treatment services (with emphasis on emotional benefits) and for return to treatment services (with emphasis on clinical benefits).

Featured Projects:
MINA. For Men. For Health  (Johnson & Johnson, PEPFAR)
Chukua Selfie   (Elton John Aids Foundation)
Kenya HIVST    (Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Elton John Aids Foundation, Unitaid)


Clinic Strenghthening

Consumer brands have developed low-cost, highly impactful consumer experiences. The healthcare experience needs to match the marketing.

Strengthened service delivery with client participation to improve the client experience and make it more convenient, private, and welcoming. Meet patients/clients where they are.

Featured Projects:

Dablap (J&J, PEPFAR, PEPFAR Country)

Demand Generation

Drive demand for treatment services (with emphasis on emotional benefits) and for return to treatment services (with emphasis on clinical benefits).

Where in the Cascade of Care
Unlinked, Lost to Followup

Featured Projects
MINA. For Men. For Health (J&J, PEPFAR), Chukua Selfie (EJAF), Kenya HIVST (CIFF, EJAF, Unitaid). See all.

clinic strengthening

Strengthened service delivery with client participation to improve the client experience and make it more convenient, private, and welcoming. Meet patients/clients where they are.

Where in the Cascade of Care
New on Treatment, Lost to Followup, Virally Suppressed.

Featured Projects
Dablap (J&J, PEPFAR, PEPFAR Country). See all.

client support

Support the client throughout the journey with linkage and initiation, treatment, and adherence support mechanisms

Where in the Cascade of Care
New on Treatment, Virally Suppressed.

Featured Projects
MenConnecrt (Gilead). See all.

MenStar Coalition

Test strengthening

Improve experience and outcomes of testing

Where in the Cascade of Care

Featured Projects
STAR (Unitaid), Chukua Selfie (EJAF), Kenya HIVST (CIFF, EJAF, Unitaid). See all.

Out-of-Clinic strengthening

Strengthened service delivery with client participation to improve the client experience and make it more convenient, private, and welcoming. Meet patients/clients where they are.

Where in the Cascade of Care
New on Treatment, Lost to Followup, Virally Suppressed.

Featured Projects
Dablap (J&J, PEPFAR, PEPFAR Country). See all

rapid art via tld

Rapid optimization of ART by offering TLD
Where in the Cascade of Care
New on Treatment, Virally Suppressed.

Featured Projects
?? (PEPFAR Country). See all.

MenStar Core Services

Client-Centric Testing

Improve experience and outcomes of testing

Where in the Cascade of Care

Featured Projects
STAR (Unitaid), Chukua Selfie (EJAF), Kenya HIVST (CIFF, EJAF, Unitaid). See all.

Demand Generation

Drive demand for treatment services (with emphasis on emotional benefits) and for return to treatment services (with emphasis on clinical benefits).

Where in the Cascade of Care
Unlinked, Lost to Followup

Featured Projects
MINA. For Men. For Health (J&J, PEPFAR), Chukua Selfie (EJAF), Kenya HIVST (CIFF, EJAF, Unitaid). See all.

Clinic Experience

Strengthened and differentiated service delivery with client participation to improve the client experience and make it more convenient, private, and welcoming. Meet patients/clients where they are.

Where in the Cascade of Care
New on Treatment, Lost to Followup, Virally Suppressed.

Featured Projects
Dablap (J&J, PEPFAR, PEPFAR Country). See all.

Out-of-Clinic Experience

Support the client throughout the journey with linkage and initiation, treatment, and adherence support mechanisms

Where in the Cascade of Care
New on Treatment, Virally Suppressed.

Featured Projects
MenConnecrt (Gilead). See all.

Client Journey Support

Support the client throughout the journey with linkage and initiation, treatment, and adherence support mechanisms

Where in the Cascade of Care
New on Treatment, Virally Suppressed.

Featured Projects
MenConnecrt (Gilead). See all.

Rapid ART via TLD

Rapid optimization of ART by offering TLD
Where in the Cascade of Care
New on Treatment, Virally Suppressed.

Featured Projects
?? (PEPFAR Country). See all.

MenStar Core Package

MenStar Offerings

MenStar's Core Package of services, ready for localization


Build coping potential with messages on the new HIV treatment narrative and treatment literacy. A reclaiming of a self-defined sense of normalcy for men through modern treatment options


Improve experience and outcomes of testing


Drive demand for treatment services with emphasis on emotional benefits (e.g., “prove that it will meet my needs.”):  education, counseling and emotional support


Strengthened service delivery with client participation to improve the client experience and make it more convenient, private, and welcoming

Strengthened service delivery with client participation to improve the client experience and make it more convenient, private, and welcoming



Support the client throughout the journey with linkage and initiation, treatment, and adherence support mechanisms



Rapid optimization of ART by offering TLD



Drive demand for return to treatment services with emphasis on clinical benefits: 


Personalized Care

Offer Differentiated Service Delivery as soon as possible as an incentive


Support the client throughout the journey with treatment and adherence support mechanisms


Strengthened service delivery with client participation to improve the client experience and make it more convenient, private, and welcoming

Strengthened service delivery with client participation to improve the client experience and make it more convenient, private, and welcoming