Description/Activities: i) identification of the approach with active tracing and triage of walk-ins; ii) rapid restart or switch with clinical management of those returning with AHD; and iii) psychosocial support normalizing disengagement, including counselling and peer navigation.
What Makes the Intervention Unique/Different: MSF introduced a comprehensive “welcome back” service at an ART facility, starting on the day of re-engagement. MSF is also using a social media campaign (WhatsApp and Facebook) to reach out to clients who may have disengaged from care. The Department of Health in South Africa is also using components of this pilot in its new #WelcomeBack campaign.
Impact Data: During the first four months of the pilot, 196 clients previously disengaged were identified, with travel being the main reason for disengagement. Of those, 87% returned for their follow-up visit and 78% were virally suppressed after three months from restart.