Furaha Yangu – My Happiness Social and Behavior Change (SBC) Campaign

Implementing Partner:  FHI 360


A comprehensive, multi-channel SBC national campaign includes intensive community-level small group dialogues with target audiences, reinforced with strategic mass and social media, linkage to services, print materials, and provider tools to strengthen client counseling. High-profile national and regional launch events also generated substantial press coverage and publicity, contributing to widespread campaign visibility and increased awareness of Test and Treat All services.

What Makes the Intervention Unique/Different: 

The campaign is emotion-based, rather than fact-based. By applying principles of co-design and co-delivery, campaign materials and activities speak to the realities of the target audiences and are designed to address their barriers to accessing HIV testing, care and treatment services.

Impact Data: 

There was a 16% increase (from 1,692,129 men tested from Jan-June 2018 to 1,959,160 men tested in July -Dec. 2018) in HIV testing uptake among men in six months period during the campaign compared to six months prior campaign. Also there was a 5% increase of new HIV+ men identified during six months campaign period compared to the six-month period prior to the campaign (from 40,928 HIV-positive men identified in Jan-June 2018 period to 43,052 HIV-positive men identified in July-Dec. 2018).

  • Collectively these national Test and Treat efforts facilitated the following 95 95 95 nationwide performance targets achievements between June 2018 to Dec. 2019 as retrieved from national DHIS2 database; i) HIV testing for about 6.5 million people ii) HIV positivity yield of 2.5% among those tested and iii) a total of 132,644 new clients were enrolled in HIV care. Also, ART initiation during this period was at 134,882 suggesting that the campaign had also driven some lapsed clients that were enrolled in care to initiate ART given the noted number of excess clients (2,238) that initiated ART versus the enrollment on care achievement during the same reporting period.
  • An average of 20 million individuals were reached with mass media messages, and of these, 60-70% were men aged 18-49 years.
  • An upward trend was observed overtime against two key HIV behavioral determinants (i.e. positive attitudes towards HIV testing and awareness of Test and Treat services). Positive attitudes towards HIV testing increased from 51.3% to 68% among those exposed to campaign messages, and awareness about Test and Treat services (Immediate ART initiation after receiving a HIV positive diagnosis) increased from 48.5% to 78.7% among those exposed to the campaign.

Reference/Website: Tanzania National DHIS2 system